TestCaseAutoAttributeParsing |
ensure attribute parsing provides expected outcome |
run |
TestCaseAutoCategoryTable1 |
Test for category table and attachment upgrading |
run |
TestCaseAutoCategoryTable2 |
Test for category table and attachment upgrading from 1.0beta |
run |
TestCaseAutoEmphasis |
ensure emphases work correctly in different contexts |
run |
TestCaseAutoFormattedSearch |
Automated formatted search tests. |
run |
TestCaseAutoFormattedSearchDetails |
Automated formatted search tests verifying refactor of format= functionality in foswiki 1.1 |
run |
TestCaseAutoFormatting |
Simple formatting, as described in TextFormattingRules |
run |
TestCaseAutoInOutPre |
check the behaviour of the inside and outside PRE handlers |
run |
TestCaseAutoIncludeAttachment |
Tests for inclusion of attachments |
run |
TestCaseAutoIncludeSubWebTopic |
include a topic from a subweb |
run |
TestCaseAutoIncludes |
Check for the correct detection and handling of recursive and repeated includes |
run |
TestCaseAutoInternalTags |
Tag tests that can be automated |
run |
TestCaseAutoInterwikiPlugin |
Basic tests for Interwiki plugin |
run |
TestCaseAutoMetaSearch |
tests for METASEARCH tags |
run |
TestCaseAutoNestedVerbatim |
verbatim tags should be nestable to at least two levels. |
run |
TestCaseAutoRegionTags |
testcases for Foswiki extension tags verbatim, noautolink and pre |
run |
TestCaseAutoSearch |
Automated search function tests. |
run |
TestCaseAutoSearchOrder |
Tests for the "order" parameter in SEARCH. |
run |
TestCaseAutoSearchWithInternalTag |
Tags embedded in the format option must expand correcly |
run |
TestCaseAutoTOC |
tests for TOCs included from other topics and with funny deprecated syntaxes. |
run |
TestCaseAutoTOCManual |
test to make sure TOC doesn't override manually generated |
run |
TestCaseAutoTableInclude |
Testcase covers Bugs:Item4439. Companion topics IncludeTableAttachment and IncludeTableNoAttachment also required. |
run |
TestCaseAutoUnexpandedTagsInSearchResults |
Search results can contain tags. These tags must be correctly expanded in the output. |
run |
TestCaseAutoVariableNames |
Testing the rules for variable names by mixing upper case, lower case, numerical and special characters. |
run |
TestCaseAmISane |
Manual trivial fast sanity checks for script functions. Do them in order, from the top down, as the save tests rely on eachother. |
manual |
TestCaseCreateNewTopicWithTemplate |
Verify the correct creation of a topic from a template. |
manual |
TestCaseCreateNewTopicWithTemplateWithUrlParam |
Verify the correct creation of a topic from a template, where URL params are used to populate the text in the new topic. |
manual |
TestCaseDifferentSkin |
Visual inspection tests for different skins. |
manual |
TestCaseEditTableAllFieldTypes |
Manual test of cell types and macro expansion in EditTablePlugin |
manual |
TestCaseEditTableJavaScript |
Manual test textareas in EditTablePlugin. Tests that the javascript interface works correctly in saving all changes that are done on the screen. |
manual |
TestCaseEditTableMacrosInMacros |
Manual test of the combinations of TABLE and EDITTABLE macros with advanced tables and with the option strings containing other macros |
manual |
TestCaseEditTableMacrosInSettings |
Manual test of the combinations of TABLE and EDITTABLE macros with advanced tables and with the option strings defined as macros which again contain other macros |
manual |
TestCaseEditTableMacrosWithSettings |
Manual test of the combinations of TABLE and EDITTABLE macros with advanced tables and with the option strings defined as macros |
manual |
TestCaseEditTableMixedTagOrder |
Manual test of the combinations of TABLE and EDITTABLE macros with advanced tables |
manual |
TestCaseEditTableTextAreas |
Manual test textareas in EditTablePlugin. Tests that newlines in textareas are coded properly and that rendering of TML and html links is correct. |
manual |
TestCaseEditTableWithSearchResults |
Manual test of the combinations of EDITTABLE and SEARCH macros. |
manual |
TestCaseEditTableWithTable |
Manual test of the combinations of TABLE, EDITTABLE, and CALC macros and manual test of adding rows with TABLE and EDITTABLE containing other macros |
manual |
TestCaseEditTableWithTableInitSort |
Manual test of the combinations of TABLE, EDITTABLE, and CALC macros and manual test of adding rows with TABLE and EDITTABLE containing other macros |
manual |
TestCaseEmbeddedTags |
Tests for handling embedded tag parameters |
manual |
TestCaseEmptyGroupTreatedAsNoGroup |
testcase for the bug reported as TWiki:Codev/InvalidALLOWWEBVIEWTreatedAsEmpty |
manual |
TestCaseIncludedVerbatim |
manual |
TestCaseIncludedVerbatimData |
manual |
TestCaseInternalTags |
manual |
TestCaseInternetRegistration |
Intranet Registration manual tests |
manual |
TestCaseIntranetRegistration |
Intranet Registration manual tests |
manual |
TestCaseJavaScriptAffectedStyles |
Verify CSS styles that are affected by javascript: foswikiMakeVisible, foswikiMakeVisibleInline, foswikiMakeVisibleBlock, foswikiMakeHidden |
manual |
TestCaseJavascriptFiles |
Test cases for Foswiki-distributed JavaScript files. These tests require Foswiki:Extensions.JSUnitContrib to run. |
manual |
TestCaseJavascriptFilesJasmineTests |
BDD test cases for foswiki-distributed JavaScript files. Currently only tests foswikiDate.js . These tests require Foswiki:Extensions.JasmineBddContrib to run. |
manual |
TestCaseOopsAccessDenied |
Load message templates for review |
manual |
TestCaseOopsAlerts |
Load message templates for review |
manual |
TestCaseOopsAttention |
Load message templates for review |
manual |
TestCaseOopsLeaseConflict |
Load message templates for review |
manual |
TestCasePageValidation |
A list of templates, with automatic testing on the W3C validation service - page will take long to load! |
manual |
TestCasePluginsTags |
Plugins management tags |
manual |
TestCaseRestTest |
Verify that the rest script is working properly |
manual |
TestCaseSaveContentWithoutEdit |
Verify the proper creation or revision of a topic without going through edit, along with the proper handling of URL params in the following cases: |
manual |
TestCaseSectionalInclude |
Verify that TWiki:Codev.NamedSectionalincludes are working |
manual |
TestCaseSectionalView |
Verify that TWiki:Codev.AddSectionParam is working |
manual |
TestCaseSpacedWikiWordPlugin |
visual test output from SpacedWikiWordPlugin. |
manual |
TestCaseSpreadSheetPlugin |
Tag tests that can be automated |
manual |
TestCaseTablePlugin |
Visual test of most of the features in TablePlugin |
manual |
TestCaseTablePluginTableAttributes |
manual |
TestCaseTemplate |
a brief description of the testcase |
manual |
TestCaseTemplatedTopic |
Manual test to check creation of topics with a template topic. |
manual |
TestCaseTopicListTag |
Test for TOPICLIST - rather huge, so in a topic on it's own |
manual |
TestCaseWebListTag |
Tests for WEBLIST tag |
manual |