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Tests TablePlugin with a specific TABLEATTRIBUTES.

  • Set TABLEPLUGIN_TABLEATTRIBUTES = columnwidths="80,80,50,110,150,50,50,50,50,50,70,70,50" dataalign="left,left,center,left,left,center,center,center,center,center,center,right,right,center" headeralign="center" headerrows="1" footerrows="1" headerislabel="on"

Project Customer Pass Type Purpose Qty Radios Controllers Hubs Tuners Hybrid Unit Cost (USD) Total Cost (USD) When (Q)
Project A Engineering A PK2 Eng Test 2 4   2 2   6214 12428 Q1
Project B Factory A PC2 Fact Test 1 4   2 2   6214 6214 Q1
Project C Eng P1 CT5 Eng Test 1 2 1     1 3502 3502 Q1
Project D SW P3 CT5 SW Dev 2 4 2   2   6345 12690 Q1
Total         6 22 5 6 10 1   34834  
Wersja tematu: r1. Ostatnia edycja: 2009-09-12, ProjectContributor. Stronę odwiedzono 350 razy.
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