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Table followed by Editable table with lots of CALC
Description: Manual test of the combinations of TABLE, EDITTABLE, and CALC macros and manual test of adding rows with TABLE and EDITTABLE containing other macros
Test Steps
Check that the top table has column widths 200, 150, 400
Check that all CALC results look reasonable. The top table creates values used at the bottom table
Edit the second table using EditTablePlugin feature.
Check that the CALC still calculates values in the top table
Check that all CALCs are shown raw in the edited table
Save the table without editing anything and check in raw view that all the CALCs are preserved and not replaced by static text
Edit the table again and add a row
Check that the new row is added just before the footer row and not below it.
Fill in some text and numbers like the rows above
Save the table and check that the new row also contains the CALCs like the other rows
Check we still have a valid footer row
Check that the EDITTABLE still contains Macros and not just static values.
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