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EditTablePlugin and javascript interface
Description: Manual test textareas in
EditTablePlugin. Tests that the javascript interface works correctly in saving all changes that are done on the screen.
Testing perl code in conjunction with the javascript interface, you may use this table:
%TABLE{headerrows="1" footerrows="1"}%
%EDITTABLE{header="| *HEADER* |"}%
| *HEADER* |
| do |
| re |
| mi |
| *FOOTER* |
Test case 1
- Click "Delete last row"
- Click the X button at row 1
- Save the table
- The only body row should be 're'
Test case 2
The reverse order of test case 1:
- Click the X button at row 1
- Click "Delete last row"
- Save the table
- The only body row should be "re"
Test case 3
- Click the X button at rows 1, 2 and 3
- Click the button "Add row"
- In the text field, enter "fa"
- Save the table
- The only body row should be "fa"
Test case 4
The reverse order of test case 3:
- Click the button "Add row"
- In the text field, enter "fa"
- Click the X button at rows 1, 2 and 3
- Save the table
- The only body row should be "fa"
Test case 5
Add and delete
- Click the button "Add row"
- In the text field, enter "fa"
- Click the button "Add row"
- Click the X button at the last (just created) row
- Save the table
- The body rowa should be: do, re, mi, fa
Test case 6
Add and move...
- Click the button "Add row"
- In the text field, enter "fa"
- Move the 'fa' row to position 1
- Save the table
- The body rows should be: fa, do, re, mi