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EditTablePlugin and text areas tests

Description: Manual test textareas in EditTablePlugin. Tests that newlines in textareas are coded properly and that rendering of TML and html links is correct.

Test steps

  • In the first table verify before you edit that the text in the right column is 6 lines of text
  • Verify that the text is rendered as normal, normal, URL shown as link, normal, italic, and bold
  • Edit the table. Make sure there is no leading or trailing space from previous bugs. Delete leading and trailing space
  • Save
  • Verify that the text is still rendered correctly
  • Edit again and check that no new space is added
  • Save and check rendering again.
  • Edit and save several times
  • Check in raw mode that the lines are separated by %lt;br /> and no additional spaces

Shortinfo: blablabla
there's still a bug
lurking around
Wersja tematu: r1. Ostatnia edycja: 2009-03-08, ProjectContributor. Stronę odwiedzono 62 razy.
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