NOTE: This is the TestCases web. You cannot edit any topic named "TestCase..." or "Web..." in this web, you can only create new topics. Any topics you do create that are not checked into subversion may be deleted by anyone, at any time.


Description: a brief description of the testcase

Enter the golden HTML surrounded by structured HTML comments:
<!-- expected -->
...your golden HTML...
<!-- /expected -->
The golden HTML should be what you expect to be rendered in the final output. You can optionally enable expansion of %variables% ( Foswiki::Func::expandCommonVariables ) on an expected block thus:
<!-- expected expand -->
Normally you should not use the expand option. It is intended primarily for expanding URL components when testing generated HTML which is specific to the installation, and should be used with caution as it assumes that Foswiki doesn't do anything naughty during this expansion.

You specify your actual test markup in the same way:
<!-- actual -->
<!-- /actual -->
Wersja tematu: r1. Ostatnia edycja: 2005-03-27, ProjectContributor. Stronę odwiedzono 65 razy.
O ile nie jest to stwierdzone inaczej, wszystkie materiały na stronie są dostępne na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie Autorstwa 3.0 Polska.
Pewne prawa zastrzeżone na rzecz Polskiej Partii Piratów. Serwis wykorzystuje oprogramowanie Foswiki na licencji GPL v2.