Description: visual test output from
Tests in this topic expect
to be off.
Test spacing variable:
WW topic
- Core spaced out word: Web Home
- Plugin spaced out: WebHome
- Expected: Web Home
WW web.topic
WW Bracket notation, no link label
WW Plural
WW Plural bracket notation
WW Bracket notation: link label same as topic name
WW Bracket notation: link label same as topic name, with web
WW Bracket notation: link label
- Plugin spaced out: PrefTopic
- explicitely set to a topic name, so should remain unchanged
- Expected: PrefTopic
WW Bracket notation: search results: default behaviour
%SEARCH{"SpacedWikiWord" scope="topic" nonoise="on" format="[[$web.$topic][$topic]]"}%
WW Bracket notation: search results: set to spaced out
%SEARCH{"SpacedWikiWord" scope="topic" nonoise="on" format="[[$web.$topic][$percntSPACEOUT{$topic}$percnt]]"}%
WW Bracket notation: anchor, no link label
WW Bracket notation: anchor, link label
- Plugin spaced out: TestAnchor
- explicitely set to a topic name, so should remain unchanged
- Expected: TestAnchor
CamelCase, DaimlerChrysler, MasterCard, UnlikelyGibberishWikiWord
WW DONTSPACE words, no links
!McIntosh, !CamelCase, !VentureLab, !UnlikelyGibberishWikiWord
- Plugin handling: McIntosh, CamelCase, VentureLab, UnlikelyGibberishWikiWord
- Expected: McIntosh, CamelCase, VentureLab, UnlikelyGibberishWikiWord
Test spacing variable:
UT topic
- Plugin spaced out: Underscore_topic
- Expected: Underscore_topic
UT web.topic
- Plugin spaced out: TestCase.Underscore_topic
- Expected: TestCase.Underscore_topic
UT Bracket notation, no link label
UT Bracket notation: link label same as topic name
UT Plural bracket notation
UT Bracket notation: link label same as topic name, with web
UT Bracket notation: link label
[[Underscore_topic][Test topic]]
- Plugin spaced out: Test topic
- explicitely set to a topic name, so should remain unchanged
- Expected: Test topic
UT Bracket notation: search results: default behaviour
%SEARCH{"Underscore_topic" scope="topic" nonoise="on" format="[[$web.$topic][$topic]]"}%
UT Bracket notation: search results: set to spaced out
%SEARCH{"Underscore_topic" scope="topic" nonoise="on" format="[[$web.$topic][$percntSPACEOUT{$topic}$percnt]]"}%
UT Bracket notation: anchor, no link label
UT Bracket notation: anchor, link label
- Plugin spaced out: TestAnchor
- explicitely set to a topic name, so should remain unchanged
- Expected: TestAnchor
- Set SPACEDWIKIWORDPLUGIN_DONTSPACE = My_name, Root_case, Glib_globble
My_name, Root_case, Glib_globble, Unlikely_gibberish_name
- Plugin handling: My_name, Root_case, Glib_globble, Unlikely_gibberish_name
- Expected: My_name, Root_case, Glib_globble, Unlikely_gibberish_name
UT DONTSPACE words, no links
- Set SPACEDWIKIWORDPLUGIN_DONTSPACE = My_name, Root_case, Glib_globble
!My_name, !Root_case, !Glib_globble
- Plugin handling: My_name, Root_case, Glib_globble, Unlikely_gibberish_name
- Expected: My_name, Root_case, Glib_globble, Unlikely_gibberish_name
UT Space out
- Plugin handling: Human_evolution
- Expected: Human evolution