Odwołania do WebPreferences w dziale TestCases (Wyszukaj we wszystkich działach)

Wyniki z działu TestCases o godzinie: 23:31 (Local)

TestCaseAutoFormattedSearchDetails Description: Automated formatted search tests verifying refactor of format= functionality in foswiki 1.1 The major risk is the default ...
LinkAtStart LinkAtStart Description: Simple formatting, as described in .TextFormattingRules run this test Designed by: Crawford Currie Modified by: Markus Ueberall ...
Description: Tag tests that can be automated run this test Designed by: Crawford Currie Tag ExpectedActual TOPIC TOPIC TestCaseAutoInternalTags TOPIC TestCaseAutoInternalTags ...
Description: Automated search function tests. Results dependent on templates used to render search results. Tests only make sense when this topic is viewed with "pattern ...
.SpacedWikiWordPlugin tests Description: visual test output from .SpacedWikiWordPlugin. Tests in this topic expect NOAUTOLINK to be off. * Set NOAUTOLINK = ...
Liczba tematów: 5
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