Wiki Administrator User

The AdminUser allows you to login without needing to register a user, or to temporarily login as AdminUser using the password set in configure, and then log back out to the same User and Group as before.

This means it is no longer necessary to add yourself to the AdminGroup, and you will be able to quickly change to Admin User (and back to your user) only when you need to.

How to login as AdminUser

  • Login as the internal Wiki administrator:
    • Foswiki is configured using ApacheLogin, please login as a normal user first. Then the Admin Login will replace this text
  • Logout from Administrator:

ALERT! NOTE: If you lock yourself out of AdminUser during setup activities or have forgotten the configure password, you can unset the configure password by editing the lib/LocalSite.cfg file and deleting the line that starts with Foswiki::cfg{Password} and then set it again by saving your settings in configure.


  • Security Setup : Sessions : {UserClientSession} needs to be enabled in configure
  • a configure password (otherwise the Admin login is automatically disabled.)
  • If your Foswiki is configured to use ApacheLoginManager, you will need to log in as a valid user first.

ALERT! Do not add AdminUser to your .htpasswd file or other authentication system. You should only access the AdminUser by logging in with the special user and password set in the first save in the bin/configure script. Use the sudo feature, or log in directly with Template Login. Logging in with the AdminUser WikiName through the normal authentication process will not acquire admin rights.

Related topics: WikiUsers, AdminGroup, WikiGroups, AccessControl
Wersja tematu: r1. Ostatnia edycja: 2011-03-19, ProjectContributor. Stronę odwiedzono 73 razy.
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