Polska Partia Piratów
Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 117, 00-514 Warszawa
e-mail: biuro@polskapartiapiratow.pl

Resolution of the Board Polish Pirate Party
01 / Z / U / 2015

dated on 09 March 2015

regarding the support of the Member of Euro Parliament Ms Julia Reda evaluating the Directive 2001/29 / EC (the so-called "InfoSoc Directive")


  1. The Board of the Polish Pirate Party, acting pursuant to Art. 3 point 6, sub-point regarding section 4 of the Statute of the Party resolves that it supports the Julia Reda position and supports the MEP in her efforts to gain support of Euro Parliament for the reform of the copyright.
  2. The Board P3 provides a list of extensions of the postulates of Julia Reda report referred in Annex 1 to this resolution.
  3. This appendix is an integral part of the Resolution.


The implementation of the resolution shall be entrusted to the Board.


This Resolution shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.

Polska Partia Piratów
Marszałkowska 84/92 lok. 117, 00-514 Warszawa
EWP: 328 NIP: 7010371569 REGON: 146546065
Wersja tematu: r1. Ostatnia edycja: 2015-03-12, PiotrRoszatycki. Stronę odwiedzono 281 razy.
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